General Titan Angels Info

Titan Angels’ Notes

When we started our first fund five years ago we did so because we saw great investment opportunities all the time in our network that were getting passed over by other investors. These startups had great teams, good (but still unproven) business models, and seemed to us to be poised for explosive growth if only they could obtain some much needed funding and, in many circumstances, some helpful advice. So we decided to launch Titan Angels as a way to invest in these startups.

Since then, we have closed our first fund after investing in 19 companies and have opened a second fund, Titan Angels II, which has invested in seven companies to date, with one more investment that will soon be inked. You can take a look at these companies on our main page to see what kinds of companies we invest in. The common thread with all of them is that they are all very early stage companies when we invested.

There are other common threads for the companies that we invest in:

  • Solid founding team with experience and good character
  • Sustainable competitive advantage
  • Viable business model
  • Fast growth potential
  • Common sense exit plan
  • Defensible intellectual property

We decided to start Titan Angels’ Notes for a couple of reasons. The first reason was as a way of keeping tabs on public information from our portfolio companies in a way that is easily accessible to our members and to our extended networks. The other major reason for starting Notes is so that it can serve as a forum for discussing different aspects of investing and business in general.

Like the startups we invest in, Notes will evolve over time and we hope will provide value to those who read it.

In the meantime, if you would like to ask us any questions, discuss your business, are interested in becoming a member of Titan Angels II, or just want to talk about startups in general you can reach John Bradley Jackson at and Travis Lindsay can be reached at